Hermes Library Webpage's Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 07 August 2023

  1. Introduction

    Welcome to the Hermes Library's website. These terms and conditions define the guidelines for using Hermes Library Webpage's website.

    We presume you accept these terms and conditions in their entirety by using this website. If you do not agree with all of the terms and conditions indicated on this page, do not use Hermes Library Webpage's website.

  2. License

    Unless otherwise specified, Hermes Library Webpage holds all intellectual property rights to the website's content. All intellectual property rights are unaffected.

  3. Site Utilization
    • You agree to only use the site for legal reasons.
    • You agree not to take any activity that might jeopardize the site's security, make it unavailable to others, or otherwise harm the site or its content.
  4. Liability Limitation

    In no circumstances may Hermes Library Webpage, nor any of its officers, directors, or employees, be held accountable for anything originating from or related to your use of this website.

  5. Purchases
    • All purchases made through the Hermes Library Website are non-refundable.
    • We have the right, at our sole discretion, to refuse or cancel any order.
  6. Governing Law

    Any dispute relating to Hermes Library Webpage's website will be governed by the laws of Vietnam, excluding its conflict of law provisions.

  7. Modifications to These Terms

    We retain the right to change these terms and conditions at any moment. When we do, we'll update the date at the bottom of this page.

  8. Contact Details